Creative Writing
These short writings are a collection of some of my favorite free writes I created in high school as well as one of the best essays from my first semester of college.
All of my Free Writes were written by hand, guided by a theme and time constrained.
Free Write 1
Was she always like that? I’ve passed her a thousand times on campus, exchanged hellos hundreds, held long conversations dozens. But all of a sudden, she looked different. Or maybe what was different was the way I looked at her. Had she always had the most beautiful smile I’d ever laid my eyes on? Had the sound of her voice always made the world come to a red light? Surely it hadn’t… but then again, maybe I’d just always blown through the light going 55 in a 35.
Free Write: “Melted Chocolate”
“Life is like a box of chocolates,” they say
According to a man named Forrest, anyways
But I’m still waiting on my chocolates today
“Life is like a box of broken hearts,” I say
According to a boy with a lonely soul, anyway
Because I don’t have to wait on my broken heart today
Free Write: “I Don’t Have Long to Say This”
I Don’t have long to say this but I’m pretty sure time doesn’t care. While I listen to the voice in my head reciting back to me what I’ve practiced in the mirror for six straight nights, time keeps ticking with merciless disregard for my obvious need to rehearse. Need. Actually, scratch that: desire. As she sits in bed, blissfully unaware of my nightly rehearsals, I can’t help but notice that time seems to be slipping away from me like sand through my fingers. I don’t have long to say this, But I seem intent on fooling myself into believing I have an eternity.
Free Write: “Ask Me If I love You”
“Ask Me If I Love You,” she said. I humored her. “Do you love me?” “No. Not even close.” She turned around and walked away, into the rainy night, taking the umbrella we’d been sharing with her. I was left cold, wet, alone, and desperately confused. Everything had been going fine. I thought. Was it the way I said “good morning” when she woke up? Maybe it wasn’t sweet enough. Was it how I kissed her under the lamp post back on Hudson? Maybe it wasn’t passionate enough. “Hey, are you ok sir?” said a stranger in a black fitted cap. “Ya look lost.” I’d been staring into space for 5 minutes, standing in place while the rain drenched my clothes.